The Thursday Group - Distant Energy Treatments

These distant group treatments are one of the most fascinating aspects of the therapy work I've explored over the years, do join in the sessions if you can. They're every Thursday evening, 9.00pm to 9.45pm, UK time. Here's a bit more about them, how they started, how they seem to work, how you can join in and how they may help. Do join in if you can and why not start your own group if you feel drawn that way. I feel this kind of work has tremendous potential to help people and I’m very keen to keep on exploring it and encourage others to as well.
Your feedback is very helpful for me in developing this work, please message me via the facebook page or post something up there.
I had been giving one-to-one distant treatments for some time, it's a common enough idea in energy treatments whether working with Chi or Reiki (is there any difference?). I'd been living in different parts of the country and wanted to help patients who were far away. Then one of my friends told me how he had an insight into how many people could benefit from the same angel, that it was like tuning into a radio station... a light came on in my head and I had the idea to try treating several people at once. I thought that the energies working with me might well be able to manage that, and so it seems they can.  
My understanding is that the energies which work through me resonate with my own energy, amplifying it and enabling a therapeutic flow to reach many people at once at many different locations on the Earth. My image is that there are thousands and thousands of individual energies involved in the work. Some feel like small shimmering particles of light which tend to flow within the body, others feel like much more powerful, surrounding energies. I feel that some of the energies guide the process along while others are learning as they go, just as we are. Names for the energies haven't been given to me so far but the surrounding energy, when it appears, feels very powerful. I could guess that the shimmering energies might be doctors, shamans, surgeons in the spirit world, it feels as if there is a vast college of them.
A picture from "Living the Heart's Desire", art by Atmara Rebecca Cloe - this has some of the feel of the energies for me.
GETTING READY AND DURING THE SESSION - chi kung exercises or tai chi are a good preparation, especially the “lifting water” movement, or meditate for a while beforehand, then lie down or sit down and relax. Set your intention by saying quietly to yourself something like, "I would like to join in the Thursday Group to receive healing energy." Work with deep slow breaths and focus on each of your chakras in turn, allowing them to blend together. Include the centres in the soles of your feet and in your hands. Then send your attention down to connect with the Earth and upwards to connect with a centre about three foot beyond the top of your head and let these blend with your own centres. Feel or imagine energy flowing freely through you in both directions, head to toe and vice versa. As thoughts pop up in your mind, gently bring your attention back to your body and energy.  It helps to keep as still as you can. 
No, I visualise the energies radiating out from me in individual paths. So if you need to stop for any reason you won’t disturb the process. I think that we are all connected at a deeper level though.
Some people receive quite powerful, focused sessions which help with aches and pains, others just feel relaxed or refreshed. My feeling is that a lot of our health problems lie in our personal energy fields as much as in our physical bodies and this kind of work has great potential to help. There's room for all kinds of work, surgery to help broken bones, personal one-to-one therapy to help people through thir individual emotional journeys and energy work like this to boost our healing processes.We are moving into a time of collapsing establishments, many people are unable to afford treatment or medication, it's time to explore all the natural help at hand.
Your feedback really helps me to develop this work, please post anything you experience on the facebook page or message me, even if it's just "Felt very relaxed". Any ideas or suggestions you have are very welcome too.
I hope you can join in! Much love to all, Ian.